Windows Surface

Posted by KaeHern | | Posted On 14.9.09 at 20:20

Microsoft Surface is a surface computing platform that responds to natural hand gestures and real world objects...
It has a 360-degree user interface,
a 30-inch(76 cm) reflective surface display in a table-like form factor,
22 inches (56 cm) high,
21 inches (53 cm) deep,
and 42 inches (107 cm) wide...
with a XGA DLP projector underneath the surface which projects an image onto its underside,
while four cameras in the machine's housing record reflections of infrared light from objects and human fingertips on the surface.

The surface is capable of object recognition, object or finger orientation recognition and tracking, and is multi-touch and is multi-user. Users can interact with the machine by touching or dragging their fingertips and objects across the screen, or by placing and moving placed objects. This kind of interaction with computers is known as a natural user interface (NUI).

there are four main important components in Surface's interface:
direct interaction,
multi-touch contact,
a multi-user experience,
and object recognition....

Microsoft Surface Computing

Microsoft Surface Demo @ CES 2008

Microsoft Surface is really awesome.!.it seems lilke no even need a second of time to load provides lots of amazing features..

a big improvement of Microsoft Surface compare to the others is allows a user, or multiple users, to manipulate digital content by using natural motions, hand gestures, or physical objects...even a non-digital objects could be used as input devices...i think most of other touch-screen devices could only support single-touch..

in fact..Microsoft Surface has been optimized to respond to 52 touches at a time.

it can offer a variety of features using the specially-designed barcode-style "Surface tags" on objects..that allow any physical objects even non-digital objects to be sense and recognize by the's really hi-tech....

hope it can be popular till most of people get one in a house....really hope to experience it...

the funny thing is...the prototype of Microsoft Surface was based on an IKEA table with a hole cut in the top...hehe...

let's enjoy some video advertisement of the excellence Microsoft Surface~

Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities

Microsoft Surface Parody

The Surface tabletop is acrylic, and its interior frame is powder-coated steel. The software platform runs on a custom version of Windows Vista and has wired Ethernet 10/100, wireless 802.11 b/g, and Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity. Surface applications are written using either Windows Presentation Foundation or Microsoft XNA technology.

Bill Gates told developers of "Maximum" setup the Microsoft Surface was going to have:
Intel Core Quad Xeon "WoodCrest" @ 2.66GHz with a custom motherboard form factor about the size of two ATX motherboards.
4GB DDR2-1066 RAM
1TB 7200RPM Hard Drive

However, the current commercially available version has the following specifications:
Intel Core 2Duo @ 2.13GHz (normal motherboard)
250GB Sata Hard Drive


Microsoft announced in March 2009 that a new generation of Microsoft Surface code named Second Light was in development. The second generation Surface model will build on the original model and have a second projector inside the table computer that can project images onto a layer above the surface of the screen. The device will be able to overlay secondary images above those on the screen - such as satellite imagery over a street map, or more detailed contextual data on top of images. The machine will also have infrared sensors that can interpret gestures and movements without having to touch the screen. However, Second Light is still in the development stage and a date has not been confirmed for release.



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