Posted by KaeHern | | Posted On 27.9.09 at 23:05

Recently, Honda shows their latest small light 'personal mobility' device -- U3-X. It is a very hi-tech device. It is made by many tiny 'motor-controlled wheels', packed inside the bigger wheel, allowing the device to swerve in any direction, just like the video below :

The U3-X was designed to be small, safe and unobtrusive enough to mingle with pedestrians, by Honda Motor Co.

The device looks like a unicycle, it stands upright itself. You just need to sit on it as though it's a stool, and shift your weight to drive, forward, back, even sideways. The thing will maintains its own balance as it scoots along at a speed of up to 6km/h. The weight is also light, it's just less than 10kg, and it runs on a full charge for an hour, and has a lithium-ion battery.

The U3-X uses some of the technology of balance and movement developed in the Asimo--The child-shaped robot.

Let's watch some introduce video of the U3-X :

I think Japanese company always want to develop such device like the U3-X is because Japan is one of the most rapidly aging societies in the world, and concerns are growing about helping the elderly get around. This is very nice that they use their high technology to do the right and good things.


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